Thursday, March 14, 2013

EOC Week 10: Lawyer Jokes

Question: Do you know how to save five drowning lawyers?
Answer: No.
Reply: Good!
Question: Why don't snakes bite attorneys?
Answer: Professional courtesy.
Question: Why do male attorneys usually wear tight shirt collars and ties?
Answer: It keeps their foreskins from creeping up and covering their faces.
Question: How can you tell that an attorney is about to lie?
Answer: His lips begin to move.
Question: How can you tell the difference between an attorney lying dead in the road and a coyote lying dead in the road?
Answer: With the coyote, you usually see skid marks.
Question: How many lawyers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Answer: How many can you afford?
Question: What do you get if you send the Godfather to law school?
Answer: An offer you can't understand.

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